I use R on a daily basis and fairly regularly I run into re-occuring problems. After years of frantically searching through various scripts to see how I solved it last time, I have decided to compile (sometimes) useful bits of code that I might need again. Some of these have been developed into full-fletched R packages or Shiny Apps. Below some of these projects.
That ugly chunk of code you really should delete, but can’t bring yourself to do it, so you ‘comment’ it out instead:
Who knows… maybe they are useful for other people too!
Phylogenetics and Systematics
- Check out AmphiNom, an R package for working with the Amphibian Species of the World database for amphibian systematics. This example or this one might help.
- I am currently developing BayesTrace, a shiny application that generates a nice dashboard-like report for BayesTraits analyses.
- Performing trait evolution model testing using mvMORPH
- Knowning when a species is just really good at hidding or has in all likelyhood gone extinct is no easy task. This shiny app should help with that!
- I teach a short crash courses on how to analyse RNAseq data for differential gene expression analyses, for bioinformatics students at the Master’s level. Check out the course website with code here